简介:Scooby-Doo and Shaggy must go into the underworld ruled by the Goblin King in order to stop a mortal named The Amazing Krudsky who wants power and is a threat to their pals, Fred, Velma and Daphne.
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2.0 Little Nicholas/Little Nicholas - Happy as Can Be/小淘氣尼古拉:快樂的源頭(台)/小淘气尼古拉/:我们还在等什么才能快乐?/Le/Petit/Nicolas/-/Qu’est-ce/qu’on/attend/pour/être/heureux/?/
10.0 ドラえもんのび太の新魔界大冒険〜7人の魔法使い〜/哆啦A梦07剧场版:大雄的新魔界大冒险之7个魔法师/多啦A梦:大雄的新魔界大冒险/哆啦A梦:大雄的奇幻大冒险/Doraemon the Movie: Nobita's New Great Adventure Into the Underworld - The Seven Magic Users/
8.0 ウルトラマンティガ・ウルトラマンダイナ&ウルトラマンガイア超時空の大決戦/奥特曼超时空大决战/Urutoraman Teiga & Urutoraman Daina & Urutoraman Gaia: Choujikuu no daiketsugeki/Ultraman Tiga & Ultraman Dyna & Ultraman Gaia: Battle in Hyperspace/
1.0 ウルトラマンティガ・ウルトラマンダイナ&ウルトラマンガイア超時空の大決戦/奥特曼超时空大决战/Urutoraman Teiga & Urutoraman Daina & Urutoraman Gaia: Choujikuu no daiketsugeki/Ultraman Tiga & Ultraman Dyna & Ultraman Gaia: Battle in Hyperspace/